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Terminology APIs

Terminologies are broadly classified in 2 categories

  • Reference Terminologies – is maintained by a recognized authority (Terminology Advisory Group) who maintains the coding, mapping and standardization of the terminologies used. This terminologies are meant for semantic interoperability. Example: Acute nasopharyngitis maybe represented as J00 as par ICD10 coding standard
  • Interface Terminologies – are the terminologies used at the points-of-care (e.g hospital). Example: Common cold. This “common cold” is mapped to J00


These terminologies are usually broadcasted as Atom feeds from Terminology Server for consumption by interested client systems. Please refer to the “Simple Feed” protocol for more details

The following are the 3 main feeds from the Terminology Server

  • Reference Terms Feed – GET http://{tr-server}/openmrs/ws/atomfeed/conceptreferenceterm/recent
  • Concepts Feed – GET http://{tr-server}/openmrs/ws/atomfeed/concept/recent
  • Medications Feed – GET http://{tr-server}/openmrs/ws/atomfeed/medication/recent

It is also possible to subscribe and listen to specific category of interface terminologies (concepts). Usually the pattern is

  • http://{tr-server}/openmrs/ws/atomfeed/{category}/recent

Category is usually defined by the “class” of the concept.

For example

  • For diagnosis feed – http://{tr-server}/openmrs/ws/atomfeed/diagnosis/recent
  • For drug (generic) feed – http:/{tr-server}/openmrs/ws/atomfeed/drug/recent
  • For LabTest – http:/{tr-server}/openmrs/ws/atomfeed/labtest/recent
  • For Lab Panel – http:/{tr-server}/openmrs/ws/atomfeed/labset/recent
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