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Release Notes
Release 2.3
SSL certificate
Bahmni – Orders
- Implementers can now create new order types in Bahmni as per requirements and sync these orders to SHR by adding the order type to Global Properties (Jira#1201)
- Enabled Patient Journal and Datasense to support Diagnostic Orders (Jira#1185, Jira#1186)
- Enabled sync of order fulfillment (FHIR resource – diagnostic report) from Bahmni (upload & download) (Jira#1189, Jira#1188)
- Enabled Patient Journal and Datasense to support Diagnostic Reports (Jira#1191, Jira#1190)
- Enabled sync of Radiology orders from Bahmni (upload & download) (Jira#1184, Jira#1101)
- Misc fixes to Orders module.
Bug fixes
- Bahmni – While downloading a patient with DOB type Estimated, DOB type would change to Declared. This is now fixed.
- Have added support for additional duration units in the ‘treatment’ section of Bahmni (Jira#1196)
Bahmni supported version
Bahmni version supported is 0.79.
Release 2.4
- Bahmni has developed an offline application that can be used by community workers on the field or when there is no connectivity to internet. The offline app syncs patient and encounter data from the Bahmni server when it’s online. The offline device will only be syncing data for one particular clinic’s catchment
In order to enable this sync, enhancements have been made in Bahmni OMODs to enable the offline device identify patients belonging to a particular catchment and also to identify any new encounters that are created in the Bahmni server. (Jira#1272, Jira#1122, Jira#1271)
Enhancements to Datasense
- Preview report data before posting to DHIS – Once a user has selected a report to be posted to DHIS, he/she can preview the numbers that will get submitted, and also print out a copy of the report, if needed. (Jira#1236, Jira#1248, Jira#1278)
- Datasense is now able to store a concept drug (trade names), irrespective of whether the corresponding concept (generic name) is stored or not. (Jira#1153)
Miscellaneous improvements
- An observation with a concept drug for an answer, can now be synced across the HIE by Bahmni systems. (Jira#1274)
- On downloading encounters from the HIE, the Bahmni OMODs will now create visits and automatically close them, thus resolving the issue of creating open visits on downloading systems. (Jira#566)
- Patient’s personal information can now be deleted in Master Client Index from Bahmni/client system.
- Fix has been put in for not re-uploading patient data when its downloaded to Bahmni from HIE.
Technical Improvement
- Client-Omods now read properties from /opt/openmrs for 0.81 release.
- Enabled installation of openMRS atomfeed omod through Ansible
Bahmni supported version
Bahmni version supported is 0.81.
Release 2.4.1
- Schedule recurring reports to DHIS – User can now schedule recurring reports for one or more facilities through Datasense. This helps in cases where a certain report has to be generated at regular intervals. The user will not need to manually schedule the report each and every time. He can simply define a schedule for Datasense, and Datasense will submit the report to DHIS accordingly. (Jira#1257, Jira#1238, Jira#1256, Jira#1255)
- Facility information – This feature enables the Datasense admin to monitor and keep track of various facilties (that are integrated with HIE).
- Information about when was the last time a particular facility uploaded any information to SHR.(Jira#1280)
- Information about the different kids of encounters and visits that happened at a particular facility. (Jira#1311, Jira#1292)
- List of diagnosis made from a facility. (Jira#1300)
- List of drugs prescribed from a facility, sorted by coded and non coded (free text/local drugs). (Jira#1310)
- UI enhancements
- Bug fixes
Release 2.5
SHR (Shared Health Record)
- SHR validates the provider ID or URL sent by client as part of encounters posted by checking with HRM (Note: Only providers registered with HRM are allowed to post encounters)
Terminology Registry (TR)
- Terminology Registry (TR) now allows for a coded concept with ‘concept drugs’ as answers to be synced to client systems
- Original HRM provider IDs are persisted in Bahmni even if they are locally edited. This ensures that provider IDs that get sent to HIE are always correct
- Bahmni will store errors returned by MCI or SHR when an error occurs when invalid encounter/details are posted
Other enhancements
- Updated HAPI FHIR version to 1.5 from 1.4
Bug fixes
- Master Client Index (MCI) creates the same UUID for 2 different HIDs if the create patient request was received at the exact same time. This is fixed
- When we save a patient in Bahmni, it sends patient relations to MCI, according to the values put in Father Name, Mother Name and Spouse Name fields. In a case when there are no value entered it still sends these values, which should not happen.
- When we save a patient details the patient “updated time” in MCI is updated. This is fixed now.
- In the Audit trail for patient details, the Date of Birth value is taking as current date for old value while creating new patient
Release 2.6
Bahmni supported version
- Bahmni supported version upgraded to v0.86 (https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BAH/Release+Notes)
Health ID card
Epic link BSHR-1395 – Building capability for HID cards printing and distribution OPEN
- Our Community Health Worker server has a new module to print Health ID cards
- We are also capturing a new attribute for each patient registered called “Health ID issued”. This will be checked when a Health Worker distributes the HID card to the registered patient
- We have included a “reports” module on CHW server for CHW admin to monitor progress of CHW. It will give count of “patients registered” and “health ID cards issued” for each of the Health Workers
Patient catchment feed
Currently Bahmni reads SHR catchment feed and pulls patient information for each encounter. After playing this feature Bahmni now reads from MCI catchment feed as well. This will allow patients to be synced if its present in the catchment of the hospital
BSHR-1429 – Bahmni to read patient catchment feed from MCI READY FOR SIGN OFF
Bug fixes
- Improve logging for services
- Datasense bugs for report scheduling
- Download Encounter fails when Visit Start Date and End Date are exactly same
BSHR-1433 – [Prod Issue] Download Encounter fails when Visit Start Date and End Date are exactly same. IN DEVELOPMENT
- Create patient request is sent twice
BSHR-1403 – [Bahmni] Create patient request is sent twice. CLOSED
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