DGHS Project

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Patients visit facility which is connected to internet

Patient visits facility from his/her catchment to get registered

  • Patient comes into hospital
  • Patient gets registered by registration clerk
  • Registration clerks fills patient data in Bahmni registration page and submits
    • Event is created in openMRS referring to the patient
    • Patient details in the event
    • Map to MCI payload
    • Push to MCI end point
    • Get HID response & associate to patient
  • Start patient visit
  • Choose patient fee category and save
  • Patient encounter starts

Already registered patient visits facility from same catchment

  • Patient comes into hospital
  • Search for patient on registration page
  • Click on patient identifier
  • Start patient visit
  • Choose patient fee category and save
  • Patient encounter starts

Already registered patient visits facility from same catchment

  • Patient comes into hospital
  • Search for patient on registration page
  • Click on National Registry and search for patient by any one of
    • HID
    • NID
    • Phone number
    • BRN
    • Unique identifier (MCI admin UID)
    • Household code
  • Download patient records
  • Start patient visit
  • Choose patient fee category and save
  • Patient encounter starts

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