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Overall architecture
Atom Feed based integration (http://github.com/ict4h/simplefeed)
Atom Feed based integration (http://github.com/ict4h/simplefeed)
Cassandra Cluster Setup
Data Reporting
Tech Stack
SHR, MCI, Patient Viewer – Java Spring REST Service
SHR, MCI Database – Cassandra
MCI Admin UI – PHP Laravel
Terminology Server – OpenMRS Concept Management (java, spring, mysql)
DGHS HRM – PHP with mysql
DataSense – Java Spring Service
Authentication With HRM as Identity Provider

Web application working with HRM as identity provider
Services working with HRM as identity provider
HRM login service
● expects Basic Authorization over SSL and generates a short lived auth token.
● the HRM login page, sets the token into a cookie and then redirects to the original requested
page. (applies to a human-user’s browser based request)
HRM userInfo service
● Validates the token and returns user attribute info. e.g. user name, roles etc
● the userInfo service call is allowed only for trusted subsystems (SHR, MCI, or other DGHS
systems) . Trust is established using another security token (long lived or permanent), which is
pre-generated and always specific for a requesting application or service.
● The onus of authorization is with each individual service/application.
● communicates over SSL
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