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Family History Model
Family history is modeled as a concept of class ConvSet in the Terminology Registry. The following listing describes the expected structure of the family history concept. Each concept is represented as a tuple (ConceptName, Class, DataType, answers if coded). Indentation signifies that the concept is a child of the preceding concept.
Expected structure of the family history concept
(Family History, ConvSet, N/A, null)
(Person, ConvSet, N/A, null)
(Relationship, Misc, coded, [(Father, Misc, N/A, null), (Mother, Misc, N/A, null)])
(Born On, Misc, Date, null)
(Relationship Condition, ConvSet, N/A, null)
(Onset Age, Misc, Numeric, null)
(Relationship Notes, Misc, Text, null)
(Relationship Diagnosis, Misc, Coded, [all diagnosis])
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