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Facility Information

Besides reporting to DHIS2, datasense also allows user to view basic informations about the HRM facilities. For that, from datasense homepage click “Facility Information” navigation bar.

Here, search for the facility using either facility id or facility name. If searching using facility id, then click on the “Facility Id” button,enter the facility id and click on “Go” button which will show the facility for the entered  facility id. Or if searching using facility name, then click on the “Facility Name” button,enter the name of the facility and click “Go” button which will list down all the facilities whose names like the entered name.

For getting information about that facility, click on the facility name that has listed out as part of the search.

By clicking on the facility name, it will take to another page where you can see information about that particular facility. the page will give information about that facility like:

  • Facility name and its facility id.
  • Last  encounter date and time of the facility.
  • Date wise visits for facility.
  • Encounters occurred in facility within the entered date range.
  • Diagnoses posted by facility within the entered date range.
  • Drugs prescribed by facility within the entered date range.


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